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Scleral Lenses: A Perfect Fit for Hard-to-Fit Eyes

Scleral LensesHave you struggled to find comfortable and effective contact lenses for hard-to-fit eyes? If so, consider scleral lenses. 

Scleral lenses are designed for individuals with keratoconus and corneal aberrations, who find it difficult or even impossible to wear standard contact lenses.

Call us at The Scleral Contact Lens at North Park Vision Center in Westminster to schedule a scleral lens consultation. 

How Are Scleral Lenses Different?

Traditional contact lenses sit on the cornea, the clear front part of the eye. Meanwhile, scleral lenses vault over the cornea and rest on the sclera, the white part of the eye. This makes them an ideal solution for individuals with irregular corneas or keratoconus, which causes the cornea to become thin and bulge into a cone shape. 

What Are The Benefits of Scleral Lenses?

One of the main benefits of scleral lenses is their larger and more stable surface area for the lens to rest on. This makes them more comfortable and reduces the risk of the lens moving around the eye.  

Additionally, the larger surface area creates a barrier between the environment and the tear film, helping to prevent evaporation and keep eyes comfortable and hydrated throughout the day.

Not only do scleral lenses offer comfort and stability, but they also provide sharper clearer vision. As they sit further away from the cornea, they can correct a broader range of vision problems, such as: 

  • Nearsightedness
  • Farsightedness
  • Astigmatism

Scleral Lenses Are Worth It!

While it may take some practice to get used to inserting and removing scleral lenses, patient satisfaction is very high thanks to the comfort and sharp vision they provide. 

Although scleral lenses cost more than traditional lenses – they’re custom-fitted and made of durable materials – they last longer and allow patients who would otherwise be unable to wear contact lenses to enjoy comfortable and clear vision.  

Contact The Scleral Contact Lens at North Park Vision Center in Westminster today to schedule a scleral lens consultation and to see whether scleral lenses are right for you. 

Our practice serves patients from Westminster, Broomfield, Thornton, and the Front Range, Colorado and surrounding communities.

Book An Appointment
Call Us 720-513-3737